martes, 11 de septiembre de 2018

4º English, Social


The purpose of this course is to help student develop their English competence, namely, linguistic, and pragmatic according to a Pre A2 level, thoughout the 4 main aspecs. All of them will be integrated in my classes.

They have done the front page of the notebook
Then they copied all the grammar goals for the first term and finally wrote down the front page of the unit 1. WHAT´S YOUR NAME?


- The Present Simple Affirmative, Negative and Interrogative
- Verb to Be
- There is and There are
- The third Person with the verbs finishing in y, ch, ss, x and o
- Have and Has got
- Can and Cannot
- Adverbs of frecuency
2. The Present Continuous
- The Present Continuous Affirmative, Negative and Interrogative
- Present Simple vs. Present Continouos
3. Comparatives and Superlatives
4. Prepositions of Place: In, On, At.
Resultado de imagen de FIRST TERM

We took a look to the new book and chose their favorite unit

Then we made the front page of the book and the front page of the unit.

Unit 1. Earth and Space
Homework. Answer their questions about the Universe

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