jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2018

4º English and Social


I have asked the first 3 verbs from the list(page133 of the class book) Everyday I will ask 3 more verbs, most of them are been studied.

Work out the adverbs of Frecuency. ALWAYS, USUALLY, OFTEN, SOMETIMES and NEVER.

Listened a track to fill gaps in a table about Elena´s week. True or false answers.

Then I wanted to explain them again the:

PRESENT SIMPLE(BE)                          PRESENT SIMPLE

Affirmative.                                                Affirmative

I am hungry                                                  I wake up everyday.
He is hungry                                                 He wakes up everyday
You are hungry                                             You wake up.....

Negative                                                      Negative

I am not hungry                                           I don´t wake up...
He is not hungry                                          He doesn´t wake up
You are not hungry

Interrrogative                                                Interrogative

Am I hungry?                                               Do I wake up?
Is he hungry?                                                Does he wake up?
Are You hungry?


Review the unit

Resultado de imagen de longitude and latitude


Resultado de imagen de greenwich

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