lunes, 9 de marzo de 2015

3º English


Les he dado una ficha con ejercicios de completar con THERE WAS/WERE, WAS/WERE, HOW MUCH/MANY...

1. ________ a terrible earthquake in Japan in 2005.
 There was
 There were
2. The cake _________on the table when I arrived home.
 there wasn't
3. _________ any apples left when I came back home yesterday.
 There weren't
 There wasn't
 There were
4. How many children __________ at the party?
 there were
 was there
 were there
5. _________ any water in the bottle? No, _________ any!
 Was there / wasn't there
 Was there / there wasn't
 Were there / there weren't

EXERCISE 2: Complete with WAS, WERE, THERE WAS, THERE WERE in the affirmative, interrogative or negative.

a) Annie  at home when I phoned her. We were speaking for half an hour!
b) My sister  at school yesterday. She fell ill and she stayed at home.
c) Our teachers  angry because we didn't do the homework.
d)  many students at the theatre play, just a few.
e)  enough time to finish the exam. I couldn't do the last part!
f)  many people at the party?
g)  enough food for everyone?
h) I phoned Mary, but  anyone home.
i) We  at the party until midnight.
j) Alice  in my house yesterday afternoon. We  doing our homework together.

1.           stars are there in the sky?
2.           people live on islands?
3.           birds are there?
4.           water is in the ocean?
5.           money is in a bank?
6.           countries are there in the world?
7.           bread is eaten per day?
8.           bones are there in the human body?
9.           sand is in the deserts?
10.        information is on the internet?

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