miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2014

4º English

Hemos corregido la tarea(examen)

Leído pág4,5 y 6
Explicar horas.
Tarea- Escribir horas
- 9:15
- 11:45
- 12:30
- 14:47
- 16:28
- 22:11
- 0:00

Ej. It´s quarter past five


A continuación os paso la ficha de lectura explicada para que los niños rellenen después de leer.

Your name - ____________________
Title of the book - ____________________
Difficulty range –            easy      appropriate      difficult
Have you liked it?  YES   NO

A character is a person, or sometimes even an animal, who takes part in the action of a short story or other literary work.
Main characters:
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The setting of a short story is the time and place in which it happens. Authors often use descriptions of landscape, scenery, buildings, seasons or weather to provide a strong sense of setting.
A plot is a series of events and character actions that relate to the central conflict.
- _____________________________________________________
The conflict is a struggle between two people or things in a short story. The main character is usually on one side of the central conflict.
On the other side, the main character may struggle against another important character, against the forces of nature, against society, or even against something inside himself or herself (feelings, emotions, illness).


The theme is the central idea or belief in a short story.

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