viernes, 19 de septiembre de 2014

4º English

Hoy no hemos tenido clase pero les he dado una ficha que les servirá para repasar en casa.
El examen del lunes será parecido a la ficha.

Complete these sentences with the correct tense.
  1. Past Simple. Yesterday affirmative- He_________________________________________(eat)
  2. Future. Next year, negative, planned- They_____________________________________(live)
  3. Present Continuous. Now, interrogative- ______I______________________________? (open)
  4. Future. Tomorrow interrogative, no planned- _______We________________________?(love)
  5. Present Simple. Everyday, affirmative- It_________________________________(run)
  6. Present Simple. Once a week, negative- You__________________________________(cook)
  7. Past Continuous. Two days ago, action, affirmative. I____________________________(watch)

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