miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2018

3º English, Natural and PFA


Review vocabulary and grammar

Asked vocabulary to everyone.

Listened the song and watched the story of the unit.

I have explained again the Grammar. THERE IS/ARE and HOW MUCH/HOW MANY

They have done some exercises to practice the vocabulary and grammar

To finish the class they have read their RECIPES in front of the class.

Homework. Review vocabulary and grammar

Tomorrow we will have Cambridge class because on Friday we are going to go to the Romeria.
Resultado de imagen de recipe


Review unit

Listened the song of the unit.

Explained the Thermal, Kinetic and Chemical Energy.


They have done 2 exercises in their notebooks.

Resultado de imagen de chemical, thermal and kinetic


Resultado de imagen de ALEGRIA
Trabajado la alegría en la primera quincena de Mayo.

Explicado la importancia de transmitir la alegría al ser optimista.

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