miércoles, 22 de noviembre de 2017

3º English, Natural, PFA


Review vocabulary and grammar

Read a conversation and listened

Speaking in front of the class

Preparation of a Writing

Writing in the activity book


We had an MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE exercise using the MUSICAL ONE. Heard 2 song to fill the gaps and also played chess to improve 3 intelligences.
Resultado de imagen de inteligencias multiples en ingles


Review for the exam. ON WEDNESDAY

They have done review exercises from the book and also I gave them 2 review sheets to do it at home.


Hemos trabajado el COMPAÑERISMO.

Llevan de tarea  entrevista a su padre, marcar objetivos y plática. (pág 44,45,46)

Han hecho un dibujo de una situación que no les gusta que les hagan a ellos.

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