lunes, 18 de diciembre de 2017

4º A, B. English


Verbs exam.

The mark is their diary.

Tomorrow I ask again. They have to know the verbs. It is the most important of English

3º English and Natural

Mañana excursión para ver los Belenes.


We did a verb test. Some students need to study the fist page because after Christmas we are going to study the next page.

El examen no cuenta para la evaluación pero me da información de quien debe mejorar o ya ha adquirido los conocimientos. Es esencial el control de los verbos para poder hablar un idioma.


We did a different class.

Everyone using a DIN.A3 paper made a wordmap writing the differences between BIRDS and MAMMALS.

12th or 15th of January we will have the unit 4 exam. I will give them time to study after coming from Christmas, so take free time and enjoy it.

viernes, 15 de diciembre de 2017

4º A, B. Cambridge and Wrote a Letter


Practice for the exam


We wrote a letter in English to the 3 Wise Men.

My name is....

I´m ... years old

This year I have had a very good behavior

I obeyed my parents and teachers.

I would like .......

I put some food for the camels.....

Thank you for everything....
Resultado de imagen de letter to the 3 wise men in english

3º Cambridge, Letter to the 3 Wise Men


Practice for the exam


We wrote a letter in English to the 3 Wise Men.

My name is....

I´m ... years old

This year I have had a very good behavior

I obeyed my parents and teachers.

I would like .......

I put some food for the camels.....

Thank you for everything....
Resultado de imagen de letter to the 3 wise men in english

jueves, 14 de diciembre de 2017

4º A, English


Review grammar and vocabulary

Reading comprehension

"W" Questions. Copied in their notebooks

Copied some questions in their notebooks and asnwer them listening a text.
Resultado de imagen de W QUESTIONS

4º B,. Natural, English


Review the unit.

Resultado de imagen de sea turtle reproduction

Frogs, sea turtles, polar beards, birds and fish reproductions.

Activities 1 and 2 in their notebooks.


Review grammar and vocabulary

Reading comprehension

"W" Questions. Copied in their notebooks

Copied some questions in their notebooks and asnwer them listening a text.

Resultado de imagen de W QUESTIONS

3º English


Asked verbs

Review vocabulary and grammar

Practice past simple in affirmative and negative. I BOUGHT,.... I DIDN´T BUT....

Sang and danced a song.

Copied grammar table in their notebook

miércoles, 13 de diciembre de 2017

4º A, B. English and A. Natural


Verbs questions. Next week verbs exam. First table from the last page of the activity book.

Review vocabulary and grammar

Corrected the lesson 3

Comprehension activity about Charles Dickens.

Order pictures about a story

Join sentences in their notebooks using AND, SO, BECAUSE and BUT.


Resultado de imagen de vertebrate reproduction

I have explain them the VERTEBRATE REPRODUCTION

Frogs, sea turtles, polar bears, birds and fish.

Wrote in their notebooks 2 exercises.

Homework. Finish exercises from page 56

3º English, Natural, PFA


Review grammar and vocabulary

Ask first page of verbs.

Listened the song

Reading comprehension. Match with pictures

Past simple exercise

Copied in their notebook the grammar table.

Homework. Review the FIRST verbs list. BE/WAS WERE page.


Don Emilio ha venido a clase y les ha explicado quien viene ahora en Navidad, que va a ser importante en 2018 y que tienen que hacer este nuevo año.

Cuando se ha ido hemos trabajado con la generosidad y la importancia de no depender de lo material


The have been presenting in front of the class the project about Mammals that they prepared at home.

Resultado de imagen de MAMMALS

Then they have shared the information with their classmates

martes, 12 de diciembre de 2017

4º B,A, English, Natural


Review vocabulary and grammar

Asked first 10 verbs

Speaking using Past Simple and Past Continuous

Writing using the new grammar

Past verbs exercise

Homework. Learn first 20 verbs(10 more) from activity book


Review UNIT 4

Talked about respiration of mammals, amphibians and fish.

Underlined and explained

Then they did an exercise about a sea turtle. How do they breathe if they life in the sea but they have lungs?

Explained the 3 types of respirations in their notebook
Resultado de imagen de animals respiration

3º English


Reviewed the vocabulary and grammar

Watched video from the story

Corrected 2 exercises

Practice directions by pairs

Film videos about it.

Homework. Review verbs (first 10)

lunes, 11 de diciembre de 2017

4º A,B. English


Speaking about the long weekend

Review the vocabulary and grammar

Copied the grammar table in their notebooks

Past Continuous and Past simple exercises. Writing

Listening matching the pictures

Describe the pictures using the new grammar.
Resultado de imagen de past simple with past continuous
Resultado de imagen de past simple with past continuous

Homework. Study first 10 verbs of the irregular list from the activity book.(3 columns and Spanish)

ex. be/was-were/been. SER O ESTAR

3º English and Natural

Welcome to the rutine

Recuerdo que estamos colaborando con dos colegios del Congo para poder conseguirles paneles solares.

En la campaña de comida se puede traer mañana ACEITE.

Muchas gracias por todo


Talked about the long weekend

Review vocabulary and grammar

Wrote the English Corner

Wrote a word of the vocabulary. We made a city with the tables of the class and by pairs ask directions around the class.

Watched the story of the unit


I gave them 5 minutes to review the theory.

Review with the PDI

Homework. Learn something about one mammal to share with the class on Wednesday

viernes, 1 de diciembre de 2017

4º B, Cambridge and Natural


Writing Mock exam. They have already know their marks


Ruminants, types of beaks and types of theeth.

Resultado de imagen de RUMINANTS

Resultado de imagen de types of beaks and teeth

Resultado de imagen de types of teeth animals

4º A Cambridge and Natural


Writing Mock exam. They have already know their marks


Started the Animal unit

Resultado de imagen de invertebrates

Copied in the notebook a chart where they wrote what do they want to learn, what they are going to learn, animal that they chose for the project and what they know about animals.

Finish Carla´s project and an exercise about vertebrates.

Resultado de imagen de invertebrados

3º Cambridge and Natural

Lunes no habrá blog porque me ausentaré para asistir al Master de Liderazgo que curso en Sevilla.


Practice for the Movers Exam


Explained the farm animals.

Resultado de imagen de FARM ANIMALS


They have made a wordmap in their notebooks