viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2016

4º Cambridge


We are going to finish the MOVERS book soon.


Review unit

Vertebrate reproduction.

Homework- Watch video birth

miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2016

3º B, English and Natural


Review the grammar and vocabulary in the English Corner.

Reading and choose the correct picture. COMPREHENSION.

Speaking by guessing.

Practicing PAST SIMPLE writing.

To finish the class we did a 'multiple intelligences' exercise. 

I film the exercise so I will try to upload.


Review the unit

I gave them some sheets to practice for the exam. Also I gave them a diagnostic sheet to review at home.

Tomorrow exam.

4º English and Christmas


Don Emilio came to talk about the JOY and how important is God for our life.

Review the vocabulary and watched the story.

In lesson 5 we check the vocabulary, made an speaking exercise about the ROMAN houses, listened a song to fill gaps and another listening to know which one is the greeks house.

Homework. Activity book page 28 nº 3


I spend that hour preparing Christmas stuff, letters, songs...

martes, 13 de diciembre de 2016

3º B. English


Review vocabulary and grammar(PAST SIMPLE)

We read the story and translate the vocabulary

Listened the story and watched.

Did some comprehension exercise and corrected them

3º A,English, Natural


Review vocabulary and grammar(PAST SIMPLE)

We read the story and translate the vocabulary

Listened the story and watched.

Did some comprehension exercise.


I gave them some practice sheets to review in class and at home.


4º Misa and Natural


Ofrecida por el prelado del opus dei fallecido recientemente. Monseñor Javier Echevarría


Review the RUMINANTS

Talked about the Vertebrate respiration.

Fish, mammals and aquatic animals

I explained all the types of respiration, underlined and share information.


To finish the class they did 2 exercises, One of them by pairs.

lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2016

3º A, English and Natural


Last week was a little different so we really start the unit today.

They have copied in their notebooks the most important of the unit (exam) and the vocabulary in English and Spanish so they can check and study at home anytime.

We listened the song and sing it after understanding the words.


Next week is going to be so hard to have a normal class so I decided to have an extra Natural class tomorrow so we can review better. Exam on THURSDAY. 

Cambridge we will have it on Wednesday.

Today we saw how animals adapt to the environment in order to survive.

3º B, English, Natural


John took half of the class to practice Speaking.

We review the vocabulary and worked with OPPOSITE and NEXT TO. I check their notebooks and the activity book to see if they are working well.


Next week is going to be so hard to have a normal class so I decided to have an extra Natural class tomorrow so we can review better. Exam on THURSDAY. 

English class of Wednesday we change it into Natural

Today we saw how animals adapt to the environment in order to survive.

4º English


Review with the English corner all the vocabulary and grammar.

Watched the story of TROY

We made reading and writing. Using adjetives to make sentences in their notebook.

Homework- Act. book 27 nº 4. Write a diary about what he did yesterday. (PAST SIMPLE and CONTINUOUS).

 Ex. I went to church at 12.00. Then I walked to the park with my family and friends to have lunch...

miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2016

4º Ecoembes, English

Ha venido un responsable para explicar con ejemplos prácticos como y para qué se recicla.


They copied the most important OF THE UNIT. The exam in going to be from that information.

They copied the vocabulary in their notebook

We review the grammar BE MADE OF...

Homework- Learn vocabulary

3º B, English and Natural


They drew the front page OF UNIT 4

Copied the GOALS of the unit.

Copied in their notebook the vocabulary of the unit.

I said the vocabulary and they repeated them.

To finish the class they listened the song of the unit.

Resultado de imagen de shops

Homework- Learn vocabulary. They can make flashcards with paper.


We saw a classification of plants depending of their stem

Resultado de imagen de GRASS

Resultado de imagen de bush green

TREE (Decidious and Evergreen)

Resultado de imagen de oak tree

viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2016

4º Cambridge and Natural



We worked with phrasal verbs.

We did a MOVERS PRACTICE EXAM and correct it with red pen

Resultado de imagen de movers exam


First ideas with the front picture.

I explain carefully all the VERTEBRATE NUTRITION

ruminant 1

ruminant 2

Resultado de imagen de ruminant